Turkish Soccer Fans Roar Loudly Enough to Damage Your Ears

ISTANBUL, Turkey — The Turks, who love football as much as anyone, have the loudest fans on earth.

The 51,998 people packed into Turk Telekon Arena, home to the Galatasaray football club, let out a 131.76-decibel roar during a match against Fenerbahçe two years ago, enough to secure a spot in the Guinness book of records. That’s louder than The Who during their 126-decibel gig in London in 1976, and louder even than standing behind a fighter jet at takeoff.

They haven’t gotten any quieter.

Check out a Galatasaray game and you’ll have no doubt how much the Turks love the sport Americans call soccer. Oh sure, their three biggest clubs, Galatasaray, Fenerbahçe and Beskitas, may not be the most successful, but they boast millions of followers.

Millions of very, very loud followers. The fans, profiled in Ford’s Fantastic World of Football documentary series, are passionate about the beautiful game, and want everyone to know it.

They pack the stands, screaming as if the the match will be won or lost on noise alone. I brought along a decibel meter for a recent match and the din hit 97 decibels — about as loud as a jackhammer, and enough to cause some serious hearing loss at sustained levels. It was modest compared to that derby game against Fenerbahçe, but enough to make your hair stand on end.

So even if the team can’t guarantee the right result, one thing Galatasaray’s fans can guarantee is an incredible — and incredibly loud mdash; atmosphere.

Video: IncWord.com

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Turkish Soccer Fans Roar Loudly Enough to Damage Your Ears